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Tin Li Qin

Legal Assistant

Tin Li Qin

Practice Area

General Civil Litigation


Austin Perdana Branch


LLB (Hons) CLP

Ms. Tin Li Qin graduated with LL.B (Hons) from the University of London in 2018 and completed her Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) in 2019. She read in the Chambers of Messrs Chye Kwee Yeow & Co. under the tutelage of Mr. Yee Chew Wei and was admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in year 2022. She was retained by the firm and started her legal career as a legal associate in Messrs Chye Kwee Yeow & Co. 

She has experience in general civil litigations, contentious and non-contentious including probate & letter of administration, bankruptcy & winding-up matters, family dispute, landlord-tenant dispute as well as debt recovery matters.

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